Interesting Statistics on Family Dinners

Interesting Statistics on Family Dinners

Do you think that sitting down and having a family dinner together is important? Here are some facts that may be of interest: The average parent spends 38.5 minutes per week in meaningful conversation with their children. (A.C. Nielsen Co.) Family dinners are more...
Respect At the Dinner Table

Respect At the Dinner Table

My sister is an English teacher. She has taught different nationalities, from Africans, Indians, to Koreans. She enjoys her job so much because she revels in the diversity of each culture she teaches. Her students like her because of a unique method: she doesn’t...
Your Children Want You

Your Children Want You

My friend grew up in a broken home. She had to shuttle every month or so from one house to another. She used to be so hurt and despondent but now she has accepted the arrangement and is quite a jolly person. This is a common scenario nowadays of course. But what is...
Just for One Night

Just for One Night

It started with my grandfather. He was very strict. His word was law in my mother’s house. And one thing he was especially strict about was eating meals together. My mom got that from him. She was (and still is) very strict when it comes to eating meals together. She...


“Dad, how much do you make in an hour?” his son asked. “Why are you asking? Go do something else. I’m busy,” the dad replied, barely taking his eyes from the book he was reading. But his son was persistent and he kept on asking the father. Exasperated, he told his...
How a Dinner Group Changed a Family

How a Dinner Group Changed a Family

Carson was very tired. His boss was pressuring him a lot more lately, he always got into arguments with his wife and his kids weren’t doing well in school. In fact, one teacher called him for a meeting because his daughter was constantly failing her Math quizzes. He...